The P-3 Visa is available to foreign artists or entertainers wishing to enter the United States who perform, teach or coach individually or as part of a group within a culturally unique program. Qualified applicants must be entering the United States with the purpose of representing, teaching, coaching or interpreting a culturally unique performance or presentation. P-3 visa applicants must also be entering the United States to further develop or provide understanding of their culturally unique art form.
P-3 Visa Application Process
In order to apply for the P-3 visa, the United States employer or sponsor of the applicant must fill out and submit the Petition for a Nonimmigrant worker (Form I-129).
Required Documentation
For United States employers or sponsors to successfully complete and submit Form I-129, the following documents are required as part of the submission process.
- Submission of a written consultation from an approved labor organization
- Submission of a copy of a written contract between the employer or sponsor and the beneficiary
- Detailed timeline and description of the events or activities to be held in the United States
- Proof of the authenticity of the applicants skills from recognized experts in the applicants respective field
- Submission of documentation stating the applicants performances or presentations will be culturally unique
Length of Stay / Extension of Stay
Applicants who qualify for and receive a P-3 visa are eligible to remain in the United States to perform or present for no longer than 1 year. P-3 visa holders may apply for an extension of stay in 1 year increments and must provide the initial documentation for each application of extension.
Speak To A Professional Non-Immigrant Visa Attorney
Foreign artists or entertainers looking to acquire a P-3 visa to enter the United States to perform, interpret or teach their culturally unique art form should consult with a professional nonimmigrant visa attorney to ensure all qualifications and requirements are met prior to applying. For more information, please give the Law Offices of Kermit A. Monge, PLLC at 703.273.5500 or request a consultation online.