Whether you have been charged with Possession of a Schedule 2 Controlled Substance or are simply researching the topic, you are taking important steps to understanding how a controlled substance charge may affect you or a loved one, and what you can do about it. In order to prepare to deal with a charge of Possession of a Controlled Substance, be sure to take the time to carefully complete each of the many steps you will need to accomplish between the time that you are charged and the court hearing.
Dealing With A Schedule 2 Controlled Substance Charge
A Schedule 2 Controlled Substance charge can have a lasting impact on your life because of the way that it affects your criminal record. In addition, you may also be required to pay fines or serve time in jail, which can negatively impact your finances or employment. Hiring a reputable criminal defense attorney to represent you will provide the most favorable outcome for your specific situation.
Steps To Prepare For Your Case
As you prepare for your case, the first step should be to seek legal counsel. Once you have retained an attorney to advocate on your behalf, you will likely be advised to collect important information that will be relevant to your case and therefore, to your outcome.
Seek The Aid Of A Criminal Defense Attorney
A criminal defense attorney is the most valuable part of your defense in a case involving a charge of Possession of a Schedule 2 Controlled Substance. An attorney’s job is to represent you in court; a skilled professional will have years of experience navigating the court system and understand how to present the specific details that will benefit you the most.
In some cases, it is possible to have your adjudication reduced or your case dismissed entirely, if your criminal defense attorney is able to demonstrate cause for either.
Gather All Necessary Information
One aspect of the case in which you may assist your attorney is with gathering necessary information. It is helpful for you to document as much as you can about what happened; this may include writing down the event as you recall it, including as much detail as you can remember. Any relevant social media discussions or phone calls may also be included as part of evidence.
Your attorney will review the evidence to be presented by the prosecution and compare to the evidence and statements you provide. With this combined information, your attorney will be able to determine the best resolution for your situation.
Work With Your Legal Counsel To Find The Best Approach
Meeting with your attorney to review all of the evidence and options will also include discussions about any possible shortcomings in the case of the prosecution to include: proof of possession, weight or certificates of lab analysis.
Take Your Case To Court
Once you and your attorney have determined the most favorable approach to present your case, you will be prepared for your court appearance. In court, the role of your attorney is to represent you; they will use the information provided to present the case on your behalf; you will likely not testify on your own behalf.
Are You Eligible For The VA First Time Offender Program?
If this is your first time being charged with Possession of a Schedule 2 Controlled Substance, you may be eligible for a program for first time offenders. If you elect to use this option, you will agree to certain restrictions and conditions in order to have your charges reduced or dropped. You may need to agree to a temporarily suspended driver’s license as well as other criteria such as drug education, random drug screenings and completion of community service.
Speak To Our Experienced Fairfax Criminal Defense Attorney
If you are seeking legal assistance with your Possession of a Schedule 2 Controlled Substance charge, it is best to work with attorneys who are skilled in this field and have years of experience representing their clients in court. The Law Offices of Kermit A. Monge would be happy to sit down with you and discuss your options. Reach out to request a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys to achieve the best possible outcome for your situation.